"God Save the Queen!"

The Twisted Knot Company will be participating in the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire for the 2013 season.
At the Faire, the Company takes on the guise of the Mount Hope Trayn'd Band - the Elizabethan equivalent of a local militia or "national guard." We will have a period encampment on the Faire grounds, and we welcome patrons to visit us and experience what life was like for an Elizabethan soldier! Firing demonstrations, pike drills, and general soldiers' merriment will abound around our camp!
We'll also be taking to the streets around the Shire, be it to escort the Queen or patrol for highwaymen and other such mischief makers.
Be sure to like us on Facebook!
New to the Family!
The Shire of Mount Hope has seen fit to expand the arsenal of defense by adding a field piece! The Trayn'd Band will be operating the piece through the 2013 Faire Season. Take a look below and meet "Regina"!
Please visit parenfaire.com for more information about the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.